18 December 2006

Welcome Warren Czakary

Well, we've officially joined the blogging extravaganza. Our lives seem mostly boring, but we have a cute baby. So if you don't want to read our ramblings you can just look at the kid.

Warren Czakary Dix was born on Halloween. Stephanie went into labor the night before around 4 PM. She hit the video store and cleaned up the house a bit while Taylor finished some homework he knew he wouldn't be able to get to for the few days following. He had oral arguments in front of a panel of judges including the dean of the law school the next day as well, and was frantically trying to get everything together for that. Around 10:30 contractions really started to suck, and I called the hospital to let them know I'd be gracing them with my presence sometime that night. They told me to hang on as long as I could, because at that time all the delivery rooms were taken. I held on until 1AM, and we went in. I inched my way there, stopping every couple of minutes to grab a hold of a chair. They had a room for me (AMEN) and I got my epidural (AMEN again) at 2 AM. I got to sleep for a few hours and started pushing around 8AM. He arrived just after noon. He was 7 pounds 3 ounces and 201/2 inches long. It took forceps to get him out (and in case anyone is wondering...yes that does hurt), but recovering isn't so tough to get through once you have that little lover around.

1 comment:

Greg and Sariah said...

He's adorable! The very first pic of him on this blog, it's like he's minutes old and just smiling. I love it! Congrats!