29 November 2007


Taylor found this cool thing with google and blogger. You can track all sorts of things about your blog by going to google.com/analytics.
It tells you how many people have visited your blog, where they are coming from - city and state, how "loyal" our fans are (how many times the same computer has looked at our blog), if they are coming from direct hits or from a search engine or which websites (or other blogs) they came from, etc. etc. It's SO COOL. And don't worry, it doesn't give us too many specifics, so you can stalk us all you want we won't know who you are. And it's free and we love it and we're a little obsessed at looking. Even though I haven't been very good at keeping this thing updated, now that I know I have people who care, maybe I'll be more diligent :)


The Reynolds Family said...

I seriously doubt you have too many stalkers from KY... You'll know its me:)!!

wray and nat said...

I agree. Maybe we'll be more diligent too!!!:)