13 April 2008


For the love of Pete, everyone needs to quit with the "private blog" craze! How are normal, well-adjusted stalkers like me supposed to find you? Not that it couldn't happen, but it's presumptuous to think scary and perverted people will be gawking at your pictures (I'm pretty sure I'm neither). And I'm sure there's SOME legitimate reasons for going private, and everyone needs to make their own decisions about their families, but I thought I'd let you know that I don't like it. It's been so fun to find old college friends (and acquaintances, siblings of friends, etc.) and keep in touch through blogs. But you're ruining it.

Oh, and to be less "out-there", we just took our blog off search engine capable. So someone would either have to know our address or click on it from a friend's blog. Does that help anyone?? Maybe... :)


Steve and Katrina said...

I totally agree with you. I have been annoyed with the private blogs. People just need to keep things slightly anonymous (no last names, pictures of the front of their house, addresses, emails, etc.) and your fine. We've always kept our blog off the search engine. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I agree:)

Jamie Ortega said...

Me too!!! I love looking at other people's blogs and it totally makes my day when I find someone I know, but all this private stuff is ruining my fun!

Sarah said...

Ditto! Might I also add that it makes it so my feed won't work! I don't check every one now, and I feel like I'm missing out on some things that I'd really like to see. Grrr. I promise I won't be private! You can see my blog in all its glory any time ;-)

Tamara said...

I am with you on this one....it is all in fun when we stalk friends blogs.

Mariah said...

Okay, I like to blog stalk as well, and for that reason we didn't want to have to take our blog private either. But we kept having random people post links to viruses on our blog. That kind of freaked us out b/c it meant that random (possibly scary) people were checking out our blog. So, sorry, I know it's annoying, but I must say that I feel safer now.

Stephanie said...

Just set up your comment preferences you you have to 1. type in the code thing (I think that rocks the boat for those virus guys) and 2. make it so you have to approve comments. I'm not a computer expert, but I think thats why those 2 things are there.

Jonny said...

I'm hurt the Dixes aren't stalking the Fisher family. Email me for guilt-free voyeurism. natsprat21@yahoo.com