13 August 2008

Boring or Too Much Fun?

I'll let you decide. Seems like there hasn't been too much going on lately, but we've had Taylor home everyday, so I can't say it's been dull. We're not looking forward to September 2nd when he leaves us forever for the mistress we call "work".

Our first houseguests, The Knolls, came to spend the night on the way to Cache Valley, UT for a family reuinion. They are now officially cooler than all our other Iowa friends. Thanks for a fun day!

We finally got the last of the furniture we ordered 6 weeks ago, and our house is lookin dang cute if I say so myself. I'd post pictures, but I think that's weird. Just trust me, k?

We officially become Coloradans with our snazzy new license plates and new drivers license for me. We also registered to vote. Exciting, I know.

W and I went to Elitch Gardens today with some new buddies from the ward. Season pass holders got us in for $10 and we had a blast. W is always hit or miss with the pool, sprinklers, etc. But he was loving it. He managed to get out without a sunburn and crashed when we got home. I, on the other hand, got roasted. And yeah, I had sunblock on, too. Whatever cruel world! I had one of my Sunbeams ask me on Sunday why I had so many dots on my arms. I don't know, kid. Heavenly Father wanted to keep me humble, I guess. Luckily we won't be here on Sunday for him to ask my why I'm so pink.

And the highlight of the summer is coming up - 5 days without the kid! I'll probably end up like other weenie moms and miss him like crazy, but right now I'm just pumped to spend time with Taylor (and our good buddies Ashley and Dallas) without him. We're dropping him off at my parents in Tacoma, WA and then heading up to Victoria, BC and then to Seattle. We've got kayaking, camping, parasailing, and yummy food waiting for us. Not to mention we get to say "ay" while we're there. It's gonna be good times. And then we'll come back to my parents and hang out with the WHOLE family. Hooray.

Warren and his sweet tie that he likes to wear EVERY day. (Our child is sooo GQ)

The Knolls and us!

Warren watching "Cars" at a Rockies game with Dan and Rachel. (Why didn't we think about that last time?)


GordonandChrissy said...

Yay for new furniture, that's so fun. And we're so jealous that you have a whole month with Taylor home. Enjoy it!

Street Fam said...

Sounds FUN to me!!! Hope you have a fabulous vacation in BC. I want to go there soooo bad!!!!!! I'm sure you'll miss W tons, but a little getaway is always nice. We were only gone about 2 1/2 days and I was totally missing Ben. Oh, and thanks for the nice letter and present. You didn't need to do that. :)

Dave and Tricia Folsom Family Fun said...

I love that Warren is watching a movie at the baseball game! That is a great idea!
And whether it is gay or not we want to see cute pictures of your new furniture in your new house!
Have fun on your vacation.

Jessica said...

Just wanted to stop by and say 1) I love the background of your blog and 2) Ben and I say hi!

Katie said...

Stephanie, you are so funny! I laughed out loud as I was reading your post, sorry about the sunburn. Have fun on your vacay. Thanks for the "coolest" friends endorsement, I hope we aren't replaced any time soon. :)
