09 December 2008

Christmas is coming...

We put Christmas lights on the house! Not bad for our first attempt ever. Warren loves the "Christmas Tree". And I love the fresh blanket of snow we got last night. And I also love that so far this year, one day we'll have snow and the next it'll be 55 degrees and it'll all melt. Eat that, Iowa!

I was feeling sorry for myself because I didn't get Thanksgiving leftovers. So I found a bird on sale at the supermarket and took matters into my own hands - recreating Thanksgiving last night. Doesn't this turkey just scream "EAT ME!"? We did. It was yum and I have turkey sandwiches for the rest of the week. Wahoo!

In Warren news - he's giving up his naps. Awesome.


GO Gray's said...

YUM that turkey looks so good!!! I might have to go get me a turkey too.

katieo said...

Warren is giving up naps? May God be with you. I would die right now.

We usually do a forced "quiet" time when they are done with naps. But with Thomas, HA! not sure how that's going to go over.

and that turkey looks great!

GordonandChrissy said...

We just got a turkey and made it last night. However, I didn't get it in the oven until 8 pm and so we had a turkey done at 11 and after Gordon carved it, it was midnight. So, we cleaned up ... went to bed and ate it tonight. Yum.

And I LOVE your Christmas lights. So festive!

tracie said...

Oooh, that turkey looks delicious.

Chris said...

It was delicious. Thanks for sharing it with us!

Anna said...

Delicious-looking turkey! And your house is so festive and cute!

Stephanie Green said...

I'm impressed. I have contemplated doing the same- taking advantage of the turkey, but then I decided I was too lazy.