18 February 2009

Back to Square One

Baby names! So complicated and frustrating! I decided I didn't like Jane. And Taylor decided he didn't care for Claire. We settled on Caroline. And now we don't think it's the name of our baby either. It's almost midnight and I'm looking at baby name websites for the bajillionth time and coming up empty (we were talking about it in bed and then I got all riled-up and had to find one right this second). I just want our little girl to have a name! I have 6 weeks to get my act together, or I'll have to come up with something while in the hospital with her. During a crazy, hormonal time is not when I'd like to decide the name my child will have for-ev-er. Just thought I'd share my extreme frustration. This is going to send me into premature labor and then I'll have even less time to come up with something good.


Greg and Sariah said...

Good luck on that one. I don't have many girl names. I mean...our lil girl will probably be named Taylor. So I really have no names for you. Sorry.

Katie said...

I still like Olivia. good luck, I agree that this decision is HARD!

Dallas (司馬光) said...


I give you permission to use the middle name of our first girl. I think you will like it. You ready for this? Here is comes....


Not bad, huh? If you don't like, then I'll be personally offended :) Just teasing, but another name I like is Bella, but more for a middle name I think.

Amy said...

Haha!! Welcome to the club! Jordan didn't have a name until she was 2 days old. I took my list of 10 or so and tried ALL of them out on her. It came down to Jordan or Abigail. Good luck! I'm sure you'll think of something!

Salina said...

I highly recommednd www.babynamewizard.com (all around good website) or

www.nymbler.com (suggests similar names based on names you like) or

the baby names board on community.thebump.com (see what other people are coosing and get feedback on a name you like)

Good Luck!

Cronin Family said...

We named Alivia the morning we checked out of the hospital. It will come to you.