18 May 2009

Chillin at Home

This week has been slightly rough. Taylor has some deadlines at work that have kept him later each night than normal, and W has been sick. Doesn't sound that bad, actually. But W's been getting up at night coughing and it has thrown all of us out of whack. One of us ends up sleeping in his bed with him (while getting coughed on in the face - awesome) or he'll crawl in bed with us. Add a new baby to the mix, and we're all sleep deprived and grumpy by the time W decides he wants to be awake - 6AM, anyone?

We did manage to see Emily and Jared on Saturday when they had their reception here. Amy did a great job putting it all together and it was beautiful. You'll have to trust me on that one since I forgot to bring my camera. But we had fun hanging out with the fam yesterday.

Here's hoping this week we get out of our jammies and back out into the living world.

Simple pleasures - green eggs and chips (fresh out of ham, darn it)

Daddy-Daughter love

We have our very own naked cowboy
Q: Does he ever take that hat off? A: No.

Happy, smiling babe. LOVE her!

We might have a cheerleader on our hands.



Todd says she's an Asian red-head. And don't you have a picture you took with the real naked cowboy? Love our family!

Laura said...

Oh my... that Cami is TOO MUCH. I can't get over it - SOOOOO cute!!

And W as the naked cowboy? Also adorable, and funny too. Haha.

Steph, you win the coolest mom award for the green eggs and chips. Lol. Miss you friend!