02 July 2009

"I made ThreeeEEEeeeEE Snakes!"

It only took W two or three days to become proficient in the peeing category, and he hasn't had an accident on the front end for some time now (even at night). However, going #2 in the toilet has eluded him. Today, though, he discovered that poop looks like a snake when it's in the toilet rather than his undies. It's like a whole new world opened up to him. He went three times today. BLESSED DAY! And when going to bed tonight, he looked us in the eyes and with all the pride he could muster up announced: "I made threeee snakes today!!" Yes, baby, you sure did. And we couldn't be happier about it.


Greg and Sariah said...

Dude...that's Hanky the Christmas Poo. Sad that I know that...but Greg was that for halloween one year. Luckily I didn't know him at that time...I've just seen pictures.

Well yah for Warren! Tell him it's cool to count sinkers compared to floaters too. Cam's favorite!!! hahahaha eeewwwww!

Jade and Charla said...

Yeah Warren! He really is all grown up now!

Melissa Lasley said...

Three years ago I may have wondered about the sanity of people who write about poop - happily - on their blog. Now I can only say CONGRATULATIONS!

Stephanie said...

Yes, that IS Mr. Hanky from South Park. Was that my idea to put it on the blog? I'll give Taylor the credit for that one. :)

Dallas (司馬光) said...

Ahhh... Thanks so much for bringing Mr. Hanky back into my life. Where would I be without South Park in my formative teen years :)

(me singing)

"Mr. Hanky, The Christmas poo. He touches me, he touches you..."

Jamie Ortega said...

Boys are soooo funny! Isaac was also very proud of his snakes in the toilet. Congrats to Warren and happy day for you!

GordonandChrissy said...

That's hilarious. Way to go, Warren! We're so proud of him, even if it is a little disgusting. :)