16 October 2009

Hurry, Halloween!

Warren has literally asked to go trick or treating 50 times today. It's really going to mess him up when we have his B-day party a week before his actual birthday and Halloween. We've got lots of partying to do, so if the month could hurry up and get almost over, that would be grand.

On Tuesday I made this spooky tree, the glitter pumpkins and this cute banner (with binding/sewing help from Lindsay) I'm happy they turned out.

Just wait until these bad boys are carved and I break out my pumpkin jar luminaries. Those are only for the week of Halloween, unfortunately. I L-O-V-E fall and especially Halloween.


Robbins Family said...

Cute decorations! I love Fall and Halloween.

GordonandChrissy said...

Your house looks great! I love the banner, and the bale of hay on the porch is a great idea. That's a very cute pumpkin stand. :)

We'll try and hurry the month up as much as we can, just to help you out. And Warren. And us ... then, we're closer to Thanksgiving and Christmas!!!

tracie said...

Love your decorations. Our pumpkin got kind of squishy from the freezing cold weather last week.

Anna said...

CUTE decorations!! I'm envious that you can have pumpkins outside your house. We have maniacal squirrels in our neighborhood that eat everything in sight. I had my UNCARVED pumpkins outside for about 5 min before they had bite and claw marks all over then. &%$#@! squirrels. I'm still bitter that they ate almost all of my tomatoes.

Anyway. Enough on that. Your kids are too cute! Cami's smile melts my heart, SO ADORABLE!