10 September 2011

We Went Camping

 A while ago before school started. We had fun, the kids thought the KOA was AMAZING. (It wasn't. But I remember KOA's being magical when I was younger, too. Either this one wasn't as cool, or I was deluded like my kids are now). But we cooked over a campfire, slept in a cabin, went swimming, took walks together, went mini golf and took a ride on paddle boats. Fun was had.
 Our next-door neighbor and her dog. Cami loved them both equally.

 Bunk beds!

 The "lake"
 The pool was cold, but the kids loved it.

 Driving around. 
 Getting sweaty.

 Warren the photographer.

 Cami cooling off by the air conditioner. Worth the $ we spent on a cabin, I'll tell you what.
Chuck E Cheese after we came home and cleaned up.

And Warren finally got brave in the deep water. Those floaties are air-filled confidence. 

1 comment:

merathon said...

i'll have to hear more about this place you went. camping in cabins is definitely more our speed!