07 April 2010


So I was checking all the blogs I follow on google reader and decided to see how many people subscribe to our little blog. 77. Wow, that's more than I thought. I'm pretty sure I don't even know 77 people. So I feel the need to apologize to all 77 of you (plus everyone who doesn't have google reader and checks our blog some other way) for being such a whiner this morning. Some days, everything sounds like nails on a chalkboard. Especially everything coming out of little persons' mouths. I can't be the only one who has these days. But I said a prayer, took a shower, and cleaned the house a little and all is well. And I didn't shout "shuttup!" to my kids once - even though I screamed it in my head about 100 times today. Now I just have to make it one more hour until swimming lessons...
Again, sorry I abused your blog surfing time with my pathetic rants.


Krista Griffiths said...

Oh Steph I love your blog! Don't worry, we all feel that way at some point (probably daily). Keeps life exciting.

Anyhow, your kids are adorable and you are a great mother!! And keep blogging. I love it.

Hey how do you see how many people subscribe to your blog???

Stephanie said...

You can see how many people subscribe to a blog by clicking "show details" on the far right. I didn't know how else to see mine, so I just subscribed to myself to check it out. Google analytics will tell you lots more stuff, too. i love it.

Steven said...

Actually, I love your last post because it makes me feel normal. Thanks for being so honest!

George Huang said...

Well, I'll introduce myself. I'm George, I was one of Taylor's mission companions, and I met you only once at your wedding reception in Steillacoom (or however you spell it).