08 June 2010

Master Storyteller

Once upon a time there was a boy named Door. And Door went into a spooooky cave. And there was spooky water. And then there was some sharp teeth. And the sharp teeth belonged to a great white shark! And the great white shark ate him all up and burped...but Jesus protected him. So Door was inside the cave and it was so dark. And he was TRAPPED. And there was no way out and he was stuck in there forever. But then he just unlocked the door and went out and it was daytime. So he went home and ate dinner with his mom and dad. And that’s the story of Door.

W's been into story telling a lot lately. So I'm sure there's more to come. This is just the first time I ran and typed it out before it was forgotten. So this is only mostly verbatim. The characters' names are always random household objects or body parts (carpet, ear, chair, finger, sprinkler...). And each ends with "and that's the story of _____".


Melissa Lasley said...

Super cute, I love it! Nice to have a little of Jesus in there too!

Cole and Mindy Smith said...

OH my heck that is the best story EVER! Door always was one of my favorite characters! Thanks warrinno....

nathan n rachel said...

Sounds like a Jonas and the whale story. That's so cute. :)

GordonandChrissy said...

What a cutie. That's got to be the cutest thing I've heard in a long while. Give him a squeeze for us! And little Cami-cakes, too.

P.S. YES! We STILLLLL have Jessie. I am a total slacker. We've had company in and out for the last few weeks and ... I'm a loser. Sorry, Warren.

Mary Ann said...

That's hilarious. Write more when you can. I love the new family picture you have up. And- your kids are so big.