04 September 2012

Instagram/phone dump

 Tay and I went and saw Jersey Boys. 5th Row - best seats we've ever had. It was awesome and I came home wanting to swear every other word like a Jersy Boy. :) I controlled myself. 

 Warren took a "Crazy about Crawdads" class at the nature center. Gross.
 Mom and Court came to visit. It was awesome and relaxing and fun. 
 Hello Miss Colorado at Dairy Queen!

 Cami picked out glasses for her prize at the dollar store. She was bummed when I took out the lenses. But she still wears them around the house and it makes me laugh. 
 Men at work and play: cutting a broken tree branch and playing Mario Kart

 Garden win!
 My blur of a girl running away on our Sunday walk
 "Bolting" and watching the Olympics!
 "How cool am I??" very.
 Warren lost his first tooth during sacrament meeting. He was stoked!

 First time in the big girl Costco seat


 Yeah, I canned those. I am officially awesome.

 love this girl. both girls, actually

I went to check on Cami before heading to bed and found this instead. Creeeepy! She had sneaked into our bed.


Melissa Lasley said...

I love your last picture. Very awesome. Also, I am totally impressed with your canning abilities. I am jealous of all of those peaches.

Rachel Culmer said...

What was Miss Colorado doing at Dairy Queen?

Stephanie said...

She was there raising money for some cause. She lives close by, so it wasn't anything huge or official, I don't think. But it was fun and she was really nice, and now we're totally facebook friends. :)

GordonandChrissy said...

Such fun new pictures! It looks like a great staycation. My favorite kind of trip. :)

And holy cow, Cami, two accidents in one day. I'm glad it wasn't throughout the whole trip!

PS How is Claire so big already?! Sitting up in the Costco cart? Can't wait to see that girl!!!