24 March 2011

Go Cougs

I am the best of the fair weather fans. So don't count on me to post about my Cougs when they stink. But, my friends, they're on fire. So we're pumped to watch the game tonight and hope Jimmer keeps it up. He has his own glossary, you know. HERE. It's nice to wear my BYU shirt in public and have people excited about something other than the honor code. :)

1 comment:

Kimi said...

Hey Steph- some old lady last sunday in church even talked about Jimmer in her talk at the pulpit!! Kind of weird, but funny that she would even mention him- I guess older people even watch the games. Go Cougars! (And this is the one time I can say that and my husband will be okay with it).
Good to see your cute family!